Sunday 12 June 2011

Beef processing


Beef are classified as;

  • High grade beef for sales; this has well marbling fat
  • Commercial grade for minced meat, staff meat and sausage processing
  • Fairly average quality.

Beef, lamb and goats are delivered by refrigerated trucks and offloaded at beef receiving area. The quarters are hoisted on a monorail, weighed, and sprayed with 50 ppm chlorine water to reduce the microbial load and are stored overnight in a chiller operating at between -2°C to +2°C. The same is done on lamb and goat carcasses.


In the butchery, qualified butchers cut up the quarters from the chillers to obtain the various beef prime cuts. This is also done to goat and lamb carcasses.

Beef prime cuts

These cuts include: top sides, rump steaks, ossubucos, silver sides, and eyepieces, from hindquarters. Sirloins, strip loins, fillets, briskets and shins from the fore quarters. The cuts are trimmed for better presentation and appearance. The cuts are then packed, weighed, labelled and sold or chilled or blast frozen awaiting sales.

Other products from butchery are bones and off cuts. Commercial grade beef are just deboned and the steaks used for sausage and minced beef processing.

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